Somehow, this is a quarter of great celebrations and cheers in Singapore and around the world!

For me the biggest events are the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the presidential elections in Indonesia. Yes, other events more worthy happening now include the upcoming National Day Celebrations in August, the annual Eid holidays, Mid Autumn Festival and the 2014 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix happening on 19-21 Sept 2014 - woo... A new title sponsor!

TPM Outdoor is geared up to celebrate with our clients by introducing 2 special offers. One is the Checkpoint Media offer that includes 3 of our top sites. TPM is also re-launching one of our largest billboard - A spectacular billboard is situated at People’s Park Complex (Chinatown). Just in time to create a strong branding and high impact billboard before the 8th September! 8th September is Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most important festival in the Chinese Culture, celebrated in every Chinese place all over the world. Chinatown and its annual street lighting festival will be the heart of the festivities in Singapore.

What a busy and activity filled quarter! Have your brand be part of all these through powerful and costs effective billboard displays.

Indeed - From the website today - "Tenacity triumphs as last four completed" it is down to the last 4 this week = Brazil-Germany, 8 July 2014, Argentina- Netherlands, 9 July 2014.

It is also time for TPM Outdoor team to share our favorite World Cup advertisements and moments. Could it be the Nike Commercial 2014: "Winner Stays" featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar Jr., Rooney, Ibrahimović, Iniesta?

Nurain, prefers the KFC Commercial featuring Cristiano Ronaldo and a chicken drum stick. I think I prefer the chicken drum stick. Rina cries foul - how can a world class footballer promote unhealthy fast food. No matter foul or fowl, my choice is clear on this. 

Maybe there are other things to sink your teeth into besides a juicy drum stick this 2014 Fifa World Cup? Luis Suárez did show what his teeth are capable of, so maybe Adidas and KFC should swap celebrities? More details here: Adidas Pulls Teeth-Baring Ads With After World Cup Biting Incident  

Rina's contribution - Well-played for Samsung with Messi representing the launch of the new Galaxy S5 in Jakarta, Although Belgium is out of the World Cup, the Messi branding still goes a long way.  

Jonas' favorite World Cup moment - I guess a picture says a thousand words here.

World Cup fever, take us!
I had posted several Out-of-Home executions that have done good, as in literally - Leo Burnett Chicago & Sydney took on Coca-Cola's Happiness Without Borders to a new level.
Taken from the website:
In March 2013, Coca-Cola set out to break down barriers and create a simple moment of connection between two nations -- India and Pakistan. The initiative "Small World Machines" provided a live communications portal between people in India and Pakistan and showed that what unites us is stronger than what sets us apart. The key to engaging with each other through the machines was simple: people in India and Pakistan could complete a task, like touching hands, drawing peace, love, and happiness symbols -- together.
Let OOH reach you in all senses - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Then let it touch your heart. Coca-Cola rolls out happiness in the other campaign here