As the economy grows, the overall media scene in Myanmar is growing by leaps and bounds.

Dailies and Journals at a Typical Newspapers Kiosk along the Myanmar Streets
From my last heard, there are at least 25 newspapers in Myanmar and depending on if they are government newspapers, private or even club newspapers, different content and advertising can be published within. It would be worth the efforts to meander through all these different factors if both readership and circulation are high. Out-of-Home advertising is still key to reach out in high density Asian countries especially with high fragmentation and no clear leaders in other media.

A recent New York Times article spelt out the reality of newspapers in our digital era even in one of the newest emergent countries in the world:
 From the New York Times
Publishers suffering from lack of advertising and competition from Internet
27 NOVEMBER 2013
YANGON — Myanmar’s journalists celebrated this year when the government lifted a five-decade ban on private newspapers.
But six months after a dozen dailies rushed into production, journalists who had withstood the wrath and cruelty of a military dictatorship are struggling against something much more mundane: Market forces.

Despite expectations of pent-up demand, publishers say they are suffering from a lack of advertising and competition from the Internet.

“Every publisher is bleeding,” said Mr U Sonny Swe, Chief Executive of the Mizzima Media Group, which publishes a daily. “You have to be ready to fight. And ready to lose.”

Three of the 12 dailies introduced this year have already shut down, and none of the remaining nine are reporting profits, publishers say.

Some of the challenges facing Myanmar’s new dailies are the same as those that have confronted the news business globally for years, like declining readership for print publications.

But Myanmar’s new dailies are also operating in an impoverished country where the legacy of military rule is pervasive. The private dailies are competing with state-run newspapers that were the mouthpieces of the junta and remain in business.

Distribution in big cities is still unreliable for private papers, especially during the rainy season, and it is nearly nonexistent in the countryside. And a typical cover price of 20 cents (S$0.25) a copy for the private papers is too high for many readers, publishers say. State-run publications sell for a fraction of that.

Ms Daw Nyein Nyein Naing, Executive Editor at The 7 Day Daily, one of the new newspapers, said finding good reporters has also been difficult. Her reporters are addicted to Facebook, she said, and often post scoops on their Facebook pages, rather than filing stories to their editors.

She also lamented that many readers appeared to prefer dailies and weeklies that she said ran sensational articles of dubious veracity. “People are not buying quality,” she said.

Smaller newspapers, meanwhile, do not have the kind of financial support that large private daily newspapers enjoy, where they are effectively subsidised by a weekly journal.

Mr U Thiha Saw, a long-time journalist who clashed with censors many times during military rule, runs the country’s only private English-language daily, Myanma Freedom Daily.

“We scrimped and saved and sold our apartment,” he said. “Relatives and friends chipped in.” He is considering courting outside investors but is worried that their money might come with “strings attached”.

Journalists say they face unfair competition from the state-run newspapers, especially because the state publications sell for a fraction of the price and have plentiful advertising — a legacy of military rule when they were the only dailies in the country.

Mr U Kyaw Zwa Moe, Editor of the English edition of the Irrawaddy, a widely-read Internet news site that also publishes a monthly magazine, said the state-run papers are an impediment to the development of a free press in the country.

“In a democratic society, you don’t expect the Ministry of Information to publish newspapers,” he said. “It’s a barrier for the freedom of the press, and for private and independent media groups.”

In the long term, both private and state-run newspapers are likely to find it harder than ever, editors say.

With Internet connections improving and big foreign telecommunications companies poised to install mobile phone networks that could bring tens of millions of people online for the first time, Myanmar is likely to follow the global trend of people looking online for their news.

“Newspapers are so new for this country — that is why everyone is publishing,” said Mr Sonny Swe. “But you don’t want to be in newspapers for 10 years. Our future is in mobile.”

On an even more exciting note - the 27th South East Asia Games (SEA Games) are upcoming and the countdown to the opening ceremony is going on. It is less than 11 days to the opening ceremony on 11 Dec 2013. The games will be taking place in both Yangon and the capital city - Nyapyitaw.

SEA Games Souvenir Naypyitaw Junction Mall
One of the most watched events would be the FOOTBALL and host country Myanmar has its eyes set on a gold. In fact, as published in the TODAY ONLINE, "Myanmar’s Sports Minister Tint Hsan has also set a target of 100 gold medals for the nation’s more than 1,000 athletes competing across the Games’ 33 sports."

Temporary SEA Games Billboard Traders Hotel 
I am sure Myanmar will do their own country proud as with all other projects that have been going on now. I am looking forward to that!
By Chris Ong

Among the various Southeast Asia countries, Myanmar is rising and making an impact in the region. With the other regional countries having the head start, the gap between them and Myanmar would be even more obvious. But things are about to change. Since the welcome of its political freedom, we can see the global influence to the country’s culture and economic status.

With the opening market, we can see International banks penetrating. From Bloomberg BusinessWeek report,  we can see Key players like Visa and MasterCard are aggressively finding collaborating partners and setting up ATMs in Myanmar to made a presence in Myanmar. We are proud to be part of the effort for the MasterCard campaign in Yangon International Airport. Strategically located at key locations in the Airport, MasterCard welcomes the visitors and also “reminds” them their presence in the country with simple and impactful message and placements. 

Yangon International Airport Arrival MasterCard Greetings

Yangon International Airport Arrival
 MasterCard Series of Lightboxes

Domestic brands are under huge pressure from the rapid influx of foreign companies, Not only does major western companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are rushing in for opportunities, we can see Asian brands trying to make an impact too. "It is very tough for us, now that these big multinationals are here," said Sai Sam Htun, chairman of the Loi Hein Group of Cos., one of Myanmar's largest conglomerates, according to the Wall Street Journal. 

Billboard Scene at Yangon CBD located at
Bo Gyoke and Sule Pagoda Road

Jetstar billboard with us at the corner of Bo Gyoke 
and Sule Pagoda road, facing Trader Hotel

China brand like Midea and ChangHong have their brands advertised along the streets and roads of Yangon. Not only will they be competing with the domestic brands for home appliances market, big players like LG, Panasonic and Samsung have their own outdoor advertising billboards all across the country in strategic locations.

Chang Hong Electronic billboard at Yangon Airport Road

Midea strategic billboard placement just outside of the
Airport along the Airport Road

Following the report from The Economist, telecommunication and IT infrastructures are growing at a healthy speed, no wonder HTC and Smasung are spending big money with billboard placements located at key locations to target their consumers. Along the busy streets in Yangon, we can see that these giant mobile phone makers are always trying to make their product the most prominent and head on by the vehicles and the human traffic.

HTC Wall Facade along the busy streets of Yangon CBD Area

Samsung showing off their flagship Galaxy Note II phone
along the major road leading to Traders Hotel

As the culture opens up more, the Burmese are more tech and IT savvy, we can see advertisement for IT product can be seen all around Myanmar. For Kyocera, they see this as a chance to penetrate into this growing market. Their regional campaign with us targets the regional market like Bangladesh, Nepal and also Yangon. Their Yangon campaign was done with a placement at the Airport arrival; they will be able to capture the attention of all the arrival passengers.

Kyocera Light box prominently located at
 Yangon International Airport Arrival

konica Minolta situated before the turn into
Yangon Railway Station

Myanmar’s auto market is now blossoming too. Most of the market is dominated by Japanese automakers like Nissan Motor and Nissan, but western companies like Ford motor and General Motors have all established or plan to establish presence in the newly open country. Hitching a ride from the Korean wave, Hyundai will also be setting up their shop in Myanmar. Younger people of Myanmar are influenced by Korean culture; they are walking into showrooms looking for cars that were shown in Korean drama.

Naypyidaw, which have just recently opened their International Airport, have seen a growth in the market. This capital of Myanmar have held the World Economic Forum 2013 during this year’s June, ever since, Naypyidaw have been in the radar of various investors. To target the investors who are there for the forum, MasterCard have worked through us to locate a premium site which helps to create an impression to them and also the tourist and locals of Naypyidaw.

Located at a prominent location before
 reaching Junction Center of Naypyidaw.

The second largest city which is situated north of Yangon is the capital of Mandalay region. Mandalay is the economic hub of Upper Burma and is considered the center of Burmese culture. With the high influx of Chinese immigrants, it has shaped the city’s ethic makeup and increased commerce with China.

Mandalay is the major trading and communications center for northern and central Burma. Much of Burmese external trade to China and India goes through Mandalay.

Mandalay City Center 

With so many different kinds of industries heading into Myanmar, we are sure that the outdoor scene there will get even more vibrant than what we see now. Investors will definitely keep this country within their radar for more investment.  
By Chris Ong

Other than trailers, the second thing that will force me to shell out the money from my wallet to watch a movie in the theaters would be the movie poster. Movie posters are usually clean and simple, usually showing the genre of the movie using simple pictures.

As the number of blockbuster yearly increase, it would be harder for these movie makers to stand out among the stars. In recent years, we can see movie makers spending more and more budget in outdoor advertising for their new movies.

Outdoor advertising works wonder for movies; they usually create word of mouth both physically and also digitally. This would greatly improve the campaign awareness and also create a greater impact and feel to the movie.

One of the simple and my personal favorite execution for is done quite some time ago for the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, which is about Manhattan being overwhelmed by a huge tsunami.

Half Submerged billboard creating an impactful message for the movie and created a buzz
This creative placement was done in India Mumbai. The billboard poster itself is pretty straight forward, but it’s the location of it that's clever and witty. Its message is totally in line with that of the movie, and you just can’t help but look at it. It clearly shows the theme of the movie and effectively promotes it.

To sell the futuristic theme of the movie “Tron Legacy”, Fluorescent lights were used to show a different feel to this huge movie poster along the streets of United State.

Simple movie title for Tron Legacy by Disney, wait till you see the night version…

Now, THIS is Tron! 

We see how this simple movie poster was portraying the theme of the movie across to the consumers. With bright neon light lighted for the movie title, both human and vehicle traffics would be sure to notice the gigantic poster.

Remember the movie “Inception”?  They are the talk of the town some time back, with a huge cast of actors and a wonderful story line  They have spent quite a bit on out of home advertising with great placement at strategic location in France and United State.

What is real? The building or the gushing water?

Now, the dream is real! 

Cleverly using the tall building along the streets, the posters and billboards manage to show the movie’s concept and grab the interest and target the passerby. With a placement so big and a concept so special, these poster will sure to generate a talking point and create awareness across the nation.

With strategic placement and simple and clear message, we can see how movie posters can hooks a person’s interest of a movie in just an instance. To end it off, I would like to share one interesting campaign for the movie “Contagion” which was done at Canada. Wonderful campaign and true to the message it wants to bring across. Not to mention, using something that you would never think of, bacteria. 

File under : ,
By Carol Chung 

해외여행객 들이 가장 처음 도착 하는 곳과 가장 마지막에 도착하는 곳은 어디일까요? 곳은 바로 해외 여행객 들이 방문 하는 방문 국가의 국제 공항 입니다. 이러한 이유 때문에서 인지 많은 광고 주들은  자신들의  브랜드와 상품 광고를 위한 전략적 요충지로 국제 공항을 선정하여 자신들의 상품과 브랜드를 광고  하고 있습니다.

자카르타 국제 공항 역시  광고의 장이라고 수있을 만큼  공항 출국장 에서 부터  발권 창구 그리고 입국장 까지의 수많은  라이트 박스들이  우리에게 알려진  유명 브랜드 들이 광고 되고 있습니다.  

(자카르타 공항 내부의 이용객들의 활동 경로)

(글로벌 컨설팅 전문 기업 액센츄어의 공항 옥내광고  )

위의 그림을  자세히 보시면, 자카르타 공항 내부 구조 특징을 있습니다자카르타 공항 이용고객들은 국제선 발권 창구에서 수속을 마친후, 공항 중앙의 이민국 관리소를 지나 비행기 탑승을 위해 터미널로 가게 되어있습니다이때 스타 얼라이언스 항공사를 이용하는 여행객은 T2D, 스카이 얼라이언스 항공사를 이용하는 여행객들은 T2E, 그리고 국내선을 이용하는 이용객 들은 오른쪽의  T2F 터미널을  이용합니다.
이런한 구조적 요소 때문에, 광고 들은 공항내부의 라이트박스 구매하기 전에  공항이용객들의 활동 경로를 먼저  확인 하여 특정 지점의 특정 이용객들이 이용하는 라이트 박스를 선점 하여야 합니다

(액센츄어 라이트 박스CCD-L2 위치한 터미널 2D) 

(액센츄어 라이트 박스CCE-L5 위치한 터미널 2E) 

TPM 아웃도어 고객  Accenture 위의 경우를 활용한 대표적인 회사가 되겠습니다.  Accenture   스타 얼라이언스 스카이팀  발권 창구 들중 가장 이용객들로 붐비는 곳의 라이트 박스를 하나씩 선점 하여 발권 창구에서 발권 수속을 기다리는 국제선 이용 하는 공항 이용객 들의 시선을 사로 잡았습니다.

비슷한 예로, 중국4  국영산업은행 하나인 중국공상은행 ICBC 자카르타 공항으로 입국 하여 수하물을 찾는 이용객들을 대상으로 광고 하기 위하여 TPM  아웃도어 독점적으로 소유하고 있는터미널 2D쪽의 입국 창구   통과하는 지점의 라이트 박스 자신들의 옥외광고 매체로 선정하였습니다.

(자카르타 공항 입국장 터미널 2D ICBC 광고

(자카르타 공항 입국장 터미널 2D ICBC 광고

자카르타 공항 내부를 천천히 살펴보면 보통으 라이트 박스 와는 다른 컨셉트 라이트 박스가 있습니다 컨셉트 라이트 박스는 보통의 라이트 박스들과 디지털 스크린 과는 다르게  라이트 박스를 특별히 3D 형태로 제작 또는 라이트 박스 라이트 박스 주변  공간 활용하수 있는 기존과는 다른 혁신적인 광고매체 입니다.  

(자카르타 입국장 터미널 2D 위차한  ICBC 컨셉트 라이트 박스 광고

(자카르타 입국장 터미널 2D 위차한  ICBC 컨셉트 라이트 박스 광고

중국공상은행 ICBC 에서 위와 같이 터미널 2D 공항입국 창구의  컨셉트 라이트박스를 활용하여라이트 박스 라이트 박스  주변의 공간을 공항 라운지 처럼 꾸며놓고 자신들의 캠페인 슬로건인  ICBC 은행은 고객들에게공항 라운지와 같은 편안함을 제공한다는 광고 메세지를 전달 공항을 이용하는 주요 타킷 고객들의 이목을 끌고 있습니다.
사업상 자카르타 찾는 여행객 들의 수가 매년 늘어나면서, 자카르타 공항 내에는 기업과 기업간의 광고가 늘어나고 있습니다.  2013 APEC 정상회담이 인도네시아 발리에서 주최 되었다는 점에서 볼때 ,  향후 사업상의 방문객들이 늘어 나면서 자카르타 공항이 동남아와 세계를 잇는 교통의 중심지가 것이라고 조심스럽게 관측 되고 있습니다. 이러한 현상 더불어 인도네시아 광고 시장에는  순풍이 불어 것이라고 예상 됩니다.