Along the same lines of getting increasingly jaded, I learned a new word today - Wild Postings, or as Wikipedia - it also known as flyposting - [is a guerrilla marketing tactic through the act of placing advertising posters or flyers in legal or illegal places....]

[In the United States, these posters are also commonly referred to as wheatpaste posters because wheatpaste is often used to adhere the posters. Posters are adhered to construction site barricades, building façades and in alleyways]

I remember Apple iPod did a series of these worldwide in 2004. I now know the terminology for it.


Money Can Buy Happiness... Money Can't Buy Happiness

Call me jaded, but it has been increasingly difficult for me to get as excited about good Outdoor Advertising as before. Sometimes it is about good media placements, clever content and location matching; sometimes it is the using digital interactivity to amplify the OOH experience (previously blogged in The Dentsu Way: Secrets of Cross Switch Marketing from the World’s Most Innovative Advertising Agency) Grandiose production techniques are also great to capture attention and "burn" the message into the audience's minds.

But sometimes the simplest execution does it for me.

Flickering neon sign. Flickering for attention - is it spoiled? Or is it hiding a great creative?  
Well placed above the cashier too.

Spotted: 2013 Aug 16
Location: Seyanan City TGA Bookstore

By Carol Chung

2013년 의 절반이 지나간 시점에서 작년 2012년을 돌이켜 보면, 싱가포르뿐만 아니라 인도네시아 자카르타 또한 수만 명의 여행 인파들로 인한 다사 다난 했던 한 해였습니다.
이전에 블로그에 올려진 2010년의 통계를 보면 자카르타 수카르노 하타 국제공항이 세계에서 가장 바쁜 공항 15위로 기록 되었었습니다. 그리고 2년 후인 2012년 최근 통계에 따르면 자카르타 국제 공항이 세계에서 가장 바쁜 공항 9위로 수치가 6계단 상승 하였습니다.

2년 전인 2010, 자카르타 수카르노 하타 국제공항 한 해 이용객 수는 43 7십 만 명 으로 추산 되었는데요 그 후 2 년 뒤인 2012년 자카르타 국제 공항 이용객의 수 가  5 7 8십 만 명에 육박하면서 32.6%의 엄청난 증가율을 보여주었습니다.

이러한 가파른 성장의 배경에는 가루다 인도네시아 항공사의 국제 항공 편 ( 175회 운행) 과 인도네시아 국내 여행객 들을 위한 라이온 국내 항공편( 1,100) 으로 인한 공항 이용객 증가로 보고 있습니다..

그로인해 현재 자카르타 수카르노 공항은 한해 6 2십 만 명의 이용객을 수용할 수 있는 공항 확장 공사를 진행 중 이며, 이 공사는 2014년 에 완료 될 것으로 예상 됩니다.


Sky Team 항공사 내부 에서는 2014년가루다 인도네시아 항공사의 국제 항공 증편을 반기는 분위기 이며 베트남 항공 다음으로 동남아시아에서 가장 많은 국제 항공 편을 보유를 예상 하고 있습니다.

한편 대한 민국의 양대 국적 기 중 하나인 아시아나 항공사는 동남아 항공 노선 강화를 위해 2013 7월 서울 자카르타/ 덴파사르 발리를 연결 하는 신규 항공 편을 새롭게 취항 하여 한국과 인도네시아를 여행하는 여행객 들을 대상으로 본격 적인 인도네시아 시장 진출 포문을 열었습니다.  
By Chris Ong

Across the globe, we always view any police force as individuals that are vigilant and brave; the same could be said for our own Singapore Police Force (SPF). We can be sure that we are safe in the hands of these crime fighters.

In recent years, we can see a rise in public awareness about crime prevention all around us.
“A brand is a psychological construct in the mind of everyone who’s aware of us,” said Mr. Ng, who was made police chief in 2010. He kicked started a series of campaign to educate us citizens to keep a look out for our surrounding and engage the public with the force.

An image paints a thousand words; a wall of text requires you to read through it, a video needs you to invest time if you want to watch entirely of it. Images does not have either of those problems, instead, what you see is what you get. Advertising not only benefits consumer goods, it can be used to create awareness and public message for everyone.

From pillar wraps to large format billboard display, we can see SPF putting effort to educate and encourage the public to fight crime together with the force.

Lowest Crime Rate in 29 Years

Statistics shows that Singapore enjoyed the lowest crime rate in 29 years. Of course, the vigilant policemen and patrolmen are doing their job diligently to ensure that these crimes would not happen under their watch. But a lot more effort was placed into crime prevention campaign that was spread across the nation.
TPM is proud to be part of SPF campaign which was pushed out in Mid-March. This campaign was spanned across various places in Singapore to ensure that the message to be well received nationwide.

Giant Lightbox located at Furam City Center 
Tri-vision Display located at People's Park Complex 

These awareness messages are strategically located at places with high human and vehicle traffics which ensure that no one misses them. To reach out to more people, SPF choose to make use of table tops across various major food centers to help push the awareness even more. Around 800 table top displays were used to cover 8 major food centers across Singapore. 

Joo Chiat Food Center Table Top Displays 

Sembawang Hill Food Center Table Top Displays 

Serangoon Food Center Table Top Displays 

Joo Chiat Food Center 

With that much amount of impression that is carefully placed at every corner of Singapore, we sure believe that these images are “Burn” into the minds of all our fellow citizens. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”, we strongly believe that these prevention measures that the SPF took will be well worth the effort.